I didn't realize how much this cold was getting to me. I really need to smell the roses. I just somewhat finished this artwork. I am sure I will tweak it and maybe change the quote but my hand and arm hurt and I feel all sniffly... I HATE COLDS!
Anyhow, the hardest part was the hair. Usually I don't have too much trouble with hair, but I just couldn't get it right at first. I also couldn't decide whether to have her looking at the butterfly or looking straight out. I hope you like it. Let me know....
Well I wish there was a "love" button for this new artwork. Loves it! Hate colds too... aaand the cold weather. But it has been quite the start to new things this year! I'm excited to develop all the new ideas we've been brainstorming. Blog/site looks good, Mom! Keep up the faaaabulous work :)